Something Belated To Add Here

What the hey?! Has it really been a whole year since the last annual show(s) ever???

Why yes, it has!!

In 2018, we did play 2 shows in the span of a month. That was a pretty major deal. Though all of the post-show anythings were shared on Facebook, it doesn't hurt to leave them here in our (new) home.

Snippet of the last of the songs we played at the Femme Tagale show in March 2018 (@ Bindlestiff Studio)

And these videos are from the official "last show ever" show at Neck of the Woods on February 17, 2018.

(1 of 3)
(2 of 3)
(3 of 3)

Thanks to those who came out to watch!!! Until the next one or two....

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Live and Alive!

We will be at Live and Alive! this coming February. Live and Alive! started out as a platform for reunion shows of bands we are involved in. The first one happened in May 2014 with Love,Daria (Rio and Bern's band from 1999-2001).

February 17, 2018
406 Clement St, San Francisco
Show at 8pm

Calratz (from LA)
Pedro Gil (from LA)
All Ages

This is a 21+ show!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook for updates pictures, videos and shenanigans!

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NEXT: Last Show Ever

Welcome to our new domain at
Since it is free, we hope it never needs a renewal since we are horrible at keeping up with that.

It has been way too long since any action took place on here and in the Sputterdoll life in general. The deep-impact of adulting has led to very serious paths whether it's family, school, work or music. And with all of that building up in the last 7 years, it is our (exciting) pleasure to announce that we have a "Last Show Ever" show coming up!

February 2018 is the time, and we will be meeting up with old friends on stage! Wait for the flyer with the details. Keep in touch with us on Facebook, if you want. 

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Post-Sputterdoll life

Check out what's going on with Lizzie and Matt's The Glowing Stars: they're doing a west coast tour!

And then Bern and Rio's The Little Bits are on podcasts and will be at the Haight-Ashbury Street Fair this weekend!

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Just in case you stumbled on this site, this is the official website of SPUTTERDOLL. The same Sputterdoll from San Francisco who have played at the most underground venues as well as some of its prominent ones, and yes, we also travelled all over the west coast.

We went on an "indefinite hiatus" in 2007 which meant that things weren't over, but things weren't going anywhere anymore either. Since then, three of us have settled into family life, all of us have been working jobs, and we are also involved in new projects. Rio and Bern are in The Little Bits, and Matt and Lizzie are in The Glowing Stars. Dennis has not yet updated us if he's currently in any projects but once he shares it, we'll post it up here. We have gotten together twice since our indefinite hiatus to play what's becoming a tradition: "The Last Annual Sputterdoll Show" is what we call it.

Stay tuned for the next installment of The Last Annual Sputterdoll Show. We don't know when it will be, but it will definitely be on this site when there's a brew happening.

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In memoriam of..... is back and away from Myspace!

Keep your eyes here.. though we are officially inactive, we are known to pop up with an "annual last show" and more importantly, we've moved on to new projects. We want to use this page to keep you updated with that kind of stuff.

Sputterdoll may be gone, but the people behind it are alive as hell. This site will host everything about Sputterdoll from its early beginnings to its final curtain call.

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